19 November 2006

More books

It’s been five months since I last posted a list of books that I’d read. I’ve been very bad and haven’t read a massive amount more. I finished the Einstein biography, none of the books that were on the ‘to read’ list, and apart from that:

  • Tony Grant (ed.), From our own correspondent: a celebration of fifty years of the BBC radio programme. LINK
  • Robert Druce (ed.), An Irishman abroad: Cuey-na-Gael’s An Irishman’s difficulties with the Dutch language and Jack O’Neill’s further adventures in Holland. LINK
  • Alexander McCall Smith, The right attitude to rain. LINK
A nice range from non-fiction, via unsure, to fiction.

Now reading:
  • Vilborg Davíðsdóttir, Galdur. LINK
I bought it from the author at the Scottish Society for Northern Studies annual conference yesterday. She talked to me in Icelandic, I told her I had no idea what she was saying, and she wondered that if I didn’t speak Icelandic, why was I wanting to buy a book in Icelandic. Oh, the wonders of inter-Scandinavian intellegibility (at least in writing). It’s quite slow, I managed to read five pages today. But I might go faster if I stop reading everything out loud to myself with a thick Faroese accent (i.e. as if it were Faroese) so that I can get over the strange word image. Vilborg lives in Viewforth by the way.


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