01 September 2007


Or, why I was in Duinkerken:

The joy of ancient marriage registers. I am very indebted to Johannes van de Cnocke for at least having a legible handwriting (see above). Most of the other ministers are a lot more difficult to read.

So, when I get back to Edinburgh, I can look forward to browsing through 800+ photographs of microfilm images of the marriage registers of Duinkerken, four to six photographs per spread, of the years ending in 7 between 1647 and 1697. Supposedly, and hopefully, this will give me the same kind of information* as I got from the Shetland marriage registers, and another decent chunk of PhD dissertation. From a very superficial browsing of the data, as I was taking pictures of it, it seems like there are some interesting things going on. Yay, another couple of days well spent.

* Possibly better, as for 1647 and 1657 they also list where the people were born, which gives an excellent picture of spatial mobility and social networks at the time. Unfortunately after the French came to power in 1662, this information was no longer recorded, or alternatively, everyone was just born in Duinkerken...

** iPhoto doesn't have an invert colours option, and Adobe Illustrator doesn't save as .JPG. Does anyone know of any decent picture editing software for the Mac?


Unknown said...

ImageMagick should be available for the mac which allows you to type in the console:
$ convert huwelijk.jpg -negate inv_huwelijk.jpg
(single line) to save a copy that is a negative of the original.

or to do this for any .jpg file in any subdirectory of this directory:
$ for i in `find . -name "*.jpg"`;do convert $i -negate inv_$i;done
(single line)

Unknown said...

Hmm, thinking about it, that second trick will not actually work if the files are in subdirectories but would if they are all in the current dir. There would be a way to do it of course but I will only think about that if it would be useful to you :).