06 December 2007

Computing Services work ethic

This morning I thought I'd check whether any of my first years had posted any panicky questions to the forum on WebCT. Unfortunately, the MyEd portal was down, with some services working, and others (among them WebCT) not. They provided a link to the homepage of the Information Services Applications Division, where I could find more information.

Not really.

But they did have a news article:

Infrastructure unplanned availability remains above 99.5% generally.

All services other than eFinancials (which experienced a weekend outage in October) are showing greater than 99.9% availability so far this year.
Surely what they mean is that unplanned unavailability remains below 0.5% (or rather 0.1%) generally, but got themselves in a bit of a knot when they tried to give a positive twist to the story. Now it seems like the availability of IT services at the university is a complete fluke, and that Computing Services had nothing to do with it. At least they never planned for this to happen. Of course, with the Computing Services' track record, this is entirely possible.

Also, it's a bit fishy and number-juggly to boast about your achievements (or chance's achievements, for that matter) and exclude the things that didn't work. That's like saying (the former) Yugoslavia is a very peaceful area, if you only ignore the gazillion wars they've fought down there.

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