10 February 2008

Because blogging is long overdue

More entries to follow later today, hopefully, but this linguistic one is inspired by a tv commercial. (And yay for the NOS showing the World Allround Speedskating Championships over the internet, just plugging Nederland 1 through online.)

The commercial is about some sort of toilet cleaner, and the point is that bleach doesn't get rid of limescale ("it just makes it white"), but Product X does.

Met bleek krijg je kalkaanslag niet weg.
/mɛt blek krɛɪx .../
Now apply phonotactic rules: do some voicing assimilation and get rid of geminates.
[mɛtplekrɛɪx ...]
Now parse again.
/mɛt ple krɛɪx .../
"Met plee krijg je kalkaanslag niet weg"
The fact that there is a toilet bowl ("plee") on the screen when they say that sentence doesn't help...

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