From the BBC News website, a story about replica whale jawbones that are to be put on top of North Berwick Law, as a replacement for the old whale jawbones that rotted away and were airlifted to Health & Safety in 2005:
David Berry, East Lothian Council's leader, said: "From originally being a beacon for homecoming sailors, the jawbones on top of the Law have come to be a symbol of North Berwick, recognised by visitors and locals alike."A beacon, eh?
So imagine you're a sailor from North Berwick, sailing home. Oh look, there's Bass Rock, that iconic massive piece of volcanic rock infested with guano and covered in birds. Nope, no idea where I am in relation to North Berwick yet. Oh and see, there, on the shore, the perfectly conical hill that just must be North Berwick Law. A nice view, but am I anywhere close to North Berwick yet? Beats me. But wait! What's that on top of that unique conical hill exactly opposite the white rock? Give us the binoculars, will you? Ah, yes... I spy with my little eye... a set of incredibly ickle whale jawbones. Finally I know that we're getting close to North Berwick now!
Or am I being too cynical now?