15 June 2008

Book Blog: Purchases

The most recent purchases:

  • Christopher Brookmore, Attack of the unsinkable rubber ducks

  • Steven Pinker, The stuff of thought: language as a window into human nature

  • John O' Farrell, An utterly impartial history of Britain: or 2000 years of upper-class idiots in charge

  • Walter Moers, The 13 1/2 lives of Captain Bluebear: a novel
Particularly intrigued by the last one.

Less recent additions:
  • Paul Torday, The irresistible inheritance of Wilberforce

  • Alexander McCall Smith, The careful use of compliments

  • Alexander McCall Smith, Love over Scotland

  • Herman Pleij, Komt een vrouwtje bij de drukker: over gezichtsveranderingen van de literatuur uit de late Middeleeuwen
And for a re-read:
  • Jean-Paul Sartre, Les jeux sont faits
The list of books still unread is getting to quite scary levels. I need more sunny Saturday and Sunday afternoons out in the Meadows, probably, or alternatively a lot of travel. Also, I need to actually make a blog post on the rare occasions that I've actually finished a book. (The fact that I've just finished the Wilberforce book and am not planning on writing a post on it just yet doesn't bode well...)

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