11 June 2006

Cooperative weather

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday saw the weather gods having gotten their act together, so this allowed for a couple of very relaxing but still fairly productive days. Reading the restricted-access inter-library loan in the mornings, then doing some work in the office, and then spending the last two working hours of every day in the Meadows. You do actually get quite a bit read and I only got hit by a frisbee once.

Went Dunedining on Wednesday which was nice, although my ankle seems to become less happy now. I think I’m going to have to disappoint JF and not sign up for the Japanese dem. I might be able to assist YK in calling... ヒルトヒルト123クル。 ヒルトヒルト1234。 キクキク クル。 クルクル。At least that’s what it sounded like last year, when JM and me had her sussed.

Thursday we were at the W’s to watch old videos from Ludwigstein. BW hasn’t changed one bit in the past twelve years, but JB with short hair was quite an experience. It also looks like New Scotland has been doing the same dances on trips since forever, and everyone keeps moaning about. Stop moaning and change the dances to something you do like! What’s stopping you? (Ah, BW...)

Friday was a day of haar. I could hardly make out LG’s flat from my office window, and it was also fairly cold. So that was a day of office work. I started work on writing up the paper for the proceedings of the Shetland conference, and that seems to be going quite nicely.

We were a bit afraid that the haar would last until Saturday, ’cause LG had a picnic planned in the Meadows. But the weather on Saturday was fab. We spent the entire afternoon in the Meadows, I got a bit of a tan and improved my hand-eye coordination throwing a tennis ball back and forth with TB.

The weather today should be good enough to go out again, perhaps sit on the grass outside our flat so I can still listen to internet radio. The Netherlands vs. Serbia-Montenegro today. Serbia and Montenegro are officially two countries. I think this is incredibly unfair, two against one.

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